
Your best customer is your returning customer

Achieve high customer loyalty with data-driven contextual and personalized campaigns

Having a deep understanding of customer needs; and engaging with them at key stages of their journey helps improve the quality and outcomes of interactions. Nhance now provides advanced machine learning to help you gather rich customer insights. It also provides a slew of tools – feedback, push notifications, offers, smart notifications - to engage with them throughout their lifecycle.


Push notifications

Send alerts, updates, messages, greetings, information on new launches, payment alerts, and product updates. Use a variety of demographical segmentation to reach the right audience to make the maximum impact. Our detailed visual charts help you to measure the performance of each campaign.

Feedback management

Listening to the voice of the consumers as they traverse through your product and/or services journey is critical, to improvise your customer experience delivery. With NHANCE NOW’s feedback gathering tool you can easily capture your customer’s sentiments, run surveys and measure brand experience.

Choose from either a 1-5 star rating interface or ask multiple questions with multiple answers. Performance of each feedback campaign can be measured and analysed with a summary list or detailed graphical view.

Personalization – speak 1-1 to your customers

The days of one-size-fits-all are bygone. NHANCE NOW’s data engine allows you to configure customer interactions with precision. With 360° customer information you can tailor interactions to add depth, context and meaning.

Address customers by their name, greet them on important occasions, send them marketing information which is relevant to them, make smart recommendations and provide customised offers.